About Us

  • My name is Aditya, a senior at EPS.
  • Technology is rapidly advancing, with many companies leading the way in green innovation.
  • I grew up learning to conserve resources - saving water, fixing leaks, limiting shower time, avoiding landscape watering during rain, and turning off lights and devices when not in use. This instilled in me an ongoing concern for environmental sustainability.
  • My interest in Lego and small gadgets led me to explore IoT through Arduino.
  • I combined circuit design, IoT, and Environmental sustainability to create three solutions:
  • Demand for water and electricity is rising, and climate change makes comfort appliances essential in homes and offices.
  • My innovation helps optimize and visualize real-time usage, reducing consumption and costs.
  • This benefits consumers, eases the government's burden, and promotes climate awareness.
  • Thanks to my school's resources, courses, and platforms like Arduino Cloud, AWS IoT, and Microsoft Azure.
  • My dream is coming to life with my first patent-pending products.

How Linkvise Started

  • Vision

    Our vision is to revolutionize every home with unparalleled efficiency and control over their natural resources (energy, water, airflow consumption)

  • Mission

    We are committed to delivering inventive solutions that enable homeowners to optimize their utilization of natural resources. By offering tools to visualize and manage energy usage effectively, we prioritize the integration of IoT components to enhance control and efficiency

  • Values

    Innovation, Integrity, Collaboration, Customer-Centricity, Continuous Improvements , Sustainability are our core values

About Linkvise

  • An IoT Company focus on Environmental Sustainability
  • Create innovate products using IoT/Cloud/AI
  • Give profit to non-profit & any sustainable organization
  • Help Fellow students acquire these skills and technology
  • Help and Protect Environment
  • Innovate, optimize and our goal every home to have our product.

Problem Statement

The technological innovations aimed at environmental sustainability have led to exploding zero carbon footprint initiatives. We still need to focus on preserving natural resources and promoting environmental sustainability in individual households, offices, and industries. This focus is essential for our overall success, as we have been creating high demand and dependency on electricity, water, and other natural resources. It is fundamental to optimize the use of these resources.

  • Electric Sense
  • Water Sense
  • Weather Sense
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Linkvise ROI

Unlock the potential of smart energy management with our cutting-edge solution. Discover how your energy is used, optimize consumption patterns, and save money. Our approach is designed not just to improve efficiency, but to make a positive impact on both your wallet and the environment.

My Personal Statement for Environmental Responsibility

My recent advances like electric vehicles and carbon emission controls are helping us move towards a sustainable future. But real change begins at home, where we need to make our households greener for a better tomorrow.

The technology and innovation aimed at:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Reducing carbon footprints
Every household needs a practical approach to monitoring

Helping to Community

  • Workshops
  • Webinars
  • Training
  • Continuous Learning
  • Embrace the opportunity to learn
  • Discover and Innovate

Helping to Environment

  • Patent pending
  • Environment Sustainability
  • Ideas & Solutions
  • Promote sustainable transportation
  • Reduce carbon footprint
  • Protect natural habitats

Helping to Students

  • Share knowledge with fellow students
  • Create R&D lab and make available to any student
  • Bring everyone together into my open-source platform
  • Contribute Profit
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