Electric Sense

Linkvise introduces the future of smart energy management with IoT Electric Sense. This cutting-edge product empowers you to monitor and manage real-time energy consumption effortlessly through our intuitive app.

Real Problems


  • Electricity consumption was about 4 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh) according to the United States Department of Energy (DOE).
  • Year-on-Year Increase:
    Global electricity demand has been increasing year on year, with an estimated annual growth rate of around 2.1% over the past decade.
  • Global Energy Waste:
    It is estimated that up to 61% of the energy produced globally is wasted due to inefficiencies in production, transmission, and usage
  • Energy Inefficiency in Buildings:
    The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that buildings account for about 40% of global energy consumption, with a significant portion being wasted due to poor insulation and inefficient appliances.

Room for Optimize

Linkvise adjust flush strength to optimize efficiency and effortlessly contribute to a more sustainable environment. Embrace cutting-edge technology to make a positive impact on the planet.

Electricity % Linkvise Saves out of 4 Trillion kWh
Total % Linkvise Saves 0.68 kWh
  • Awareness of appliances or usage
  • Adjust the schedules to minimize
  • Have real time usage of the appliances and current usage.
  • Show by real-time, by-day, week, month data report – visual report.
  • Defines peak hours of usage
  • Define when outage of usage
  • Show solar consumption vs electric grid consumption.
  • Discover & Optimize
  • Stop Wastage & Leakages
  • Awareness & Transparency
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